Issue 2 evinces an explicit commitment to analyzing the ethical contours of emerging rhetorics. The authors of Issue 2 analyze rhetorics and employ diverse theoretical frameworks in a variety of national and international contexts with a general eye toward the ethical implications of social, political, economic, and material structures.
"When the threat of war presents itself, raise the castle drawbridge; bar the fortress gates; circle the wagons. When the scale of warfare is global or hemispheric, seal the borders."
"Atlas’s majestic shrugging is the ultimate revenge fantasy for those who believe the government and all those who support market intervention have demonized the most useful, creative, and productive members of society."
"It occurred to us that people learning about our field may benefit from a better sense of where feminism lives in the hidden spaces of rhetoric and composition: in the practices and attitudes of those who constitute the field."
"After writing about a visit to Bulgaria in 1996, I returned ten years later hoping to judge whether my original application of Baudrillard’s theory on the evolution of consumer society still held up..."
"It is through gut feelings that we begin to think critically, collect and analyze information, and decide. Gut feelings do not stand in opposition to critical thinking; they stand beneath, support, and shape it."
"At Jesuit universities, the task is not just to form better citizens but also to form persons who use the principles of Ignatian spirituality to 'perceive, think, judge, choose and act for the rights of others...'"
"Each essay reports specific cases of rhetorical intervention in local and global issues. Both professors and students will find models for their roles in the democratic tradition, as public/organic intellectuals, or... 'part-time peaceniks.'"
In the summer of 2009 we set out to create an academic journal that would address contemporary and timely rhetorical issues through short, online articles. Volume 1, Issue 1 accomplishes this goal by providing seven pieces that analyze emerging rhetorics in a variety of institutional and public contexts.
"We don’t seem to be writing much at all about sovereignty—a term that I shall define here, somewhat simplistically, as the exercise of authority by a nation-state or another sort of regime, not only with respect to its own people but also in relation to similar polities."
"The new equality does not claim the achievement of racial and social justice. Rather, it offers an ongoing explicit pursuit of personal and systemic change advanced daily—publicly and privately—among black, brown, red, yellow, and white allies..."
"Invention is part of a single act committed by an individual in synchronous time while the returned arrangement is a result of thousands of asynchronous choices enacted collectively by Internet users."
"In committee meetings, academic and student affairs retreats, or simply in chance encounters with colleagues, a periodic response to the mention the course is polite confusion, misinformation, or even outright dismissal..."
"Through informal conversations about cooking, women have participated in a practice that has allowed them throughout history to connect with other women and validate their own existence in the domestic sphere."
"Founded on a core belief that student-community interaction is essential to transforming students into global citizens, CSECP also works to establish competencies related to service: leadership... and ethical development."