Vol. 7.2: Composing, Media, and Publics
It’s time again to welcome a new issue of Present Tense – volume 7, issue 2. Though not a special issue, this edition includes articles on an array of topics that coalesce around public and visual rhetorics. That focus seems fitting, too, considering how many of our conversations, disagreements, and relations are played out in public spaces – and how we use more than verbal or alphanumeric representations alone. We generate public rhetoric in so many modes, simply by being present and engaged. How that public rhetoric is formed, how structures of power are realized, and how we react in those spaces are of deep importance. The articles published here tackle some of these manifestations of public rhetoric, whether they concern the writing we do in public, on publics, or through public spaces.
In this issue, Scott Lunsford tackles the production and presence of on-campus graffiti; Ben Harley theorizes and then performs a sonic collage, as a way to present a plural public; Jason Kalin explores the gifs as a way to understand and expand ambient rhetoric and new materialism; and Carl Schlachte considers the possibilities for non-capitalist formations of citizenship. The issue also features several outstanding book reviews, including Dawn S. Opel’s review of Lora Arduser’s Living Chronic: Agency and Expertise in the Rhetoric of Diabetes; Adam Hubrig’s review of Eric Darnell Pritchard’s Fashioning Lives: Black Queers and the Politics of Literacy; and Katie L. Garahan’s review of Robert Asen’s Democracy, Deliberation, and Education. As with all of our issues, we’re proud of the hard work and effort that our authors, editors, and reviewers put in to making Present Tense happen. Thank you.
Volume 7.2 includes the following articles and review essays:
Scott Lunsford, “Public Marginalia: (Re)Markable Conversations (Re)Surfacing and (Re)Buffed”
Ben Harley, “Community Remix in Progress: Sonic Collage as Methodology for Studying New Materialist Publics”
Jason Kalin, “Visualizing Ambient Rhetorics”
Carl Schlachte, “Isocratean Citizenship in the Making of Market Citizens”
Dawn S. Opel, “Book Review: Arduser’s Living Chronic“
Adam Hubrig, “Book Review: Pritchard’s Fashioning Lives“
Katie L. Garahan, “Book Review: Asen’s Democracy, Deliberation, and Education“
Ehren Helmut Pflugfelder, Managing Editor
Megan Schoen, Managing Editor
Caitlan Spronk, Technical Editor
Jessica E. Clements, Style Editor
Elizabeth L. Angeli, Annotated Bibliography Editor
Shreelina Ghosh, Multimedia Editor
Don Unger, Social Media Editor
Ryan Skinnell, Review Editor
Joshua Prenosil, Business Editor
Cristyn L. Elder, Style Editor
John Williford, Design Editor