Tag: whiteness

Backchannel Pedagogies: Unsettling Racial Teaching Moments and White Futurity

What does it mean for BIPOC, especially in the academy where teaching holds profound cultural and economic value, when past racism is repackaged as future pedagogical opportunity? How does white time weaponize pedagogy to “dictate the pace” (Cooper) of racial progress? The above examples demonstrate how the white, neoliberal academy’s deep investment in teaching/learning can

“If you don’t want us there, you don’t get us”: A Statement on Indigenous Visibility and Reconciliation

To clarify our opening, we don’t resent this essay. We resent that to make Indigenous space with a bunch of well-meaning and not-so-well-meaning folx is to brace ourselves for an act of settler colonial violence and white nonsense. Whether we are trying to do our own work and just need some damn permit approval, are

“People Were Being Nasty”: White Fragility and Calls for Collective Violence against Scholars of Color

This essay is concerned with what we have described . . . as the politics of summoning. We offer our own experiences as a case study in order to demonstrate how white scholars evoke these summonings, the means by which they reprimand and attempt to retain control of those who refuse to answer their call,